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About Membership
Updated over a week ago

What is PixAI Membership

PixAI Membership is a premium subscription service on PixAI. PixAI Membership subscribers will enjoy extra PixAI credits and member-exclusive features.

What Feature I can get with PixAI Membership?

1. Extra Credits

PixAI Premium users will earn extra credits based on membership tier.

Users will get:

  1. Instant credits, which will apply to the account immediately after purchase and be recharged every month until your subscription ends.

  2. Extra daily credits, which user can claim in addition to the site-wide daily credits.

  3. Ability to purchase add-on credits, the specific amount is based on user's membership tier.

Once a member, you can purchase more add-on credits by clicking on the '+' sign next to your credit balance.

For members who paid annually, your Instant credits will also be recharged every month.

2. Extra Private Model&LoRA Slot

PixAI Membership users can upload

  1. up to 10 private model

  2. up to 10 private LoRA

during their subscription period.

Please note that you will only be able to upload new Models or LoRAs as private. You cannot change the settings of existing models.

3. Free LoRA Training

PixAI members can train a number of LoRAs on PixAI without having to spend credits. Please note that remained Free Training will not accumulate to next month.

Tier Rank

Free LoRA Training Times

Tier 1

3 free training monthly

Tier 2

5 free training monthly

Tier 3

10 free training monthly

4. More LoRA uses for Image Generation

PixAI Members can use up to 5, 7, 10 LoRAs in one generation task for tier 1, 2, 3 users.

5. Customizable Profile Picture, Profile Banner , Member-Exclusive Icon Frame and Badge

PixAI Members can customize their profile page by:

  1. uploading gif as profile picture

  2. uploading image as banner for profile page

  3. having an icon with PixAI member-exclusive frame and badge

What Will Happen if I Cancel My Membership

1. Extra Credits

You can still claim daily extra credits until your membership subscription ends

After your membership subscription end date, the daily credit amount will revert back to 10,000 each day.

2. Extra Private Model&LoRA Slot

When your membership ends, the uploaded private model and LoRA will remain with the account. You will not be allowed to upload more private model/LoRAs.

3. Free LoRA Training

When your membership ends, you will loose the free LoRA training perks included in your membership plan.

4. Up to 5 LoRA uses for Image Generation

You will be only allowed to use 3 LoRAs in each generation as a non-member.

5. Customizable Profile Picture, Profile Banner, Member-Exclusive Icon Frame and Badge

  1. Uploaded gif profile picture will remain the same, you will not be able to upload new gif icons after your membership ends.

  2. Uploaded profile banner will remain the same, you will not be able to upload new profile banners after your membership ends.

  3. You will loose the member-exclusive I on frame and badge after your subscription ends.

About Upgrading and Switching to a Lower Tier

You can upgrade your membership plan to a higher tier, but you cannot switch directly to a lower tier. If you wish to switch to a cheaper membership plan, please cancel your current subscription first and re-subcribe a lower tier plan once your current plan expires.

In the case of an upgrade:

You can upgrade for the difference based on the time remaining in the billing cycle.

  • If your subscription was purchased through our website (through paddle), you will be charged a discounted price for the current month's new subscription, based on the time remaining.

  • Please note that since you were charged a discounted price for upgrades, you will receive deducted instant credits instead of the full amount of your new plan.

How many free LoRA trainings will I have when a plan is upgraded:

Here is how we calculate the number of free LoRA trainings:

(The number of LoRA trainings in your new plan) minus (the number of LoRAs you have previously trained this month)

example 1.

  • You are switching from tier 1 to tier 2; tier 1 comes with 3 free LoRAs each month and tier 2 comes with 5 free LoRAs each month.

  • in this month, you have already trained 2 LoRAs without credits with the tier 1 plan.

  • After upgrading to the tier 2 plan, you will have 5(new plan)-2(trained)=3 free LoRA training in this month.

example 2.

  • You are switching from tier 1 to tier 2; tier 1 comes with 3 free LoRAs and tier 2 comes with 5 free LoRAs.

  • You have not used any of the free LoRA training opportunities this month.

  • After upgrading to the tier 2 plan, you will have 5(new plan)-0(trained)=5 free LoRA training in this month.

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